Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kemah Boardwalk

We spent the day at Kemah Boardwalk near Galveston. Anne and Leah did all the rides!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Let's Party

Anne's birthday party was at IT'Z in Houston, an indoor " fun house". She invited 8 of her best buddies to the place on a Saturday night.
We made her favorite cake for the party. On the outside it looks like a plain white cake. But on the inside, it a rainbow. Crazy!
The place had carnival games, rides, and all you can eat pizza.
Everyone had a great time, including Don and I. What a sweet group of friends, fangs and all!

Anne Turns 11

My sweet baby girl is 11! She is the kindest, most considerate child I know. She is smart, creative and passionate about animals. She is an official "tween", right in between a young girl and a teenager. One day she is playing with stuffed animals and doing dress-ups with friends and the next day she is reading Twilight and texting. We can't wait to see the amazing person she becomes.

Up early that morning to open presents from family. She got Sperry's (a must-have for middle schoolers), an itouch case, and v-neck tshirts (another must-have).

Amah and Bap gave her a stack of books, a gift card and t-shirt from her favorite store, and "cashola". Great birthday!
That morning we picked up Leah and went out for donuts before school.

Birthday dinner and cake that night. Happy Birthday Zippy! We love you!

Valentines Day

Anne and her friends put together Valentine's for their class party. That night she stayed up late and created some beautiful hearts to give to her special friends. She hung the Valentine's on their lockers early the next morning. Of course the Valentine theme continued for breakfast after a sleepover with MaryClaire.

Peace, Love and Community Service in 5th Grade

Anne's class has chosen the animal shelter as their community service project. They made pet toys and greeting cards to sell to raise money. So far, over $750.00 has been made. Their favorite donation is their time, playing with the animals at the shelter.