Monday, June 28, 2010

Jack turns 17! March 30, 2010

great sense of humor. I don't know how that mind of his works but he is always able to make people laugh with one of his many "sayings", funny comments, or crazy antics.
smart. He knows so much about so many things. He can listen to a lecture or read a chapter and be able to understand and remember it all. History is a favorite for him.
does the right thing. He has a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Pretty black and white in his mind. He is his own man and chooses to do what he believes his right and fair. We are so proud of him for that.
loves God. He knows how important God is in his life. He wants to know how God can help him be a better man by reading or going to Bible Study. He helps teach Sunday school to 5th and 6th graders. (The kids love him!)
big. I had to mention this because every time I look at him he seems huge to me! He's got legs as big as tree trunks and he towers over me.
good brother. He makes Anne's day when he picks her up and gives her one of his bear hugs. He calls her "Meems", as do all his friends. He gives her friends rides home in his truck. When Em's around, he keeps her laughing-usually making fun of the parents! The two of them together can make a party out of something as simple as cooking dinner.
loves Texas, the South, football, eating BBQ, hangin' with friends, his truck, fishing, Cajun cookin' and pretty girls.
knows what he wants in life. And, he will get it. He has all the right stuff and we know he will be an amazing man, friend, worker, provider, husband and father.
Happy Birthday Jack!

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